Blue Planet – solo Neo-Classical Piano Piece


Blue Planet is a solo Neo-Classical Piano piece in the key of Db! ( nearly all the black notes). For me, keys suggest colours and I associate this key with dark blue.

How did I compose it?

How did I compose the music? What was the creative process? Most of my pieces, start with an initial idea just improvising at the Piano. This idea capture a mood. This piece started with  introductory pattern at the start and then just evolved through the months – I think I started just before Christmas.

Part of my method seems to be that I don’t write or record anything to start with – I just memorise it. If its a good idea it will stick – well that’s my theory anyway.  I’m a bit like Offenbach: he was writing music in bed, dropped a sheet on the floor and rather than get out of bed – rewrote it! No, I’m not that lazy really!

However, after a while the piece starts to evolve and I may jot a few ideas down and try and work out where its going with keys and so on. This is important because most Classical music works on the basis of contrast and changing key is a simple tool to enable the changing of mood.  That’s why some new age pieces are frankly boring because they don’t go anywhere!

Lastly, when I’m happy that the piece is pretty much complete, I will record it section by section into Logic Pro X and produce an MP3.


The structure is fairly simple: the first half in the key of Db with the flowing and longing tune is section A. We repeat this section and then modulate (change key) to the remote key of G minor (two flats) ….  I was quite pleased with this! In the video, I represent this agitation with the waves.

The Middle B section in G minor therefore,  contrasts in style and also has a few jazz blue notes . When the section is finished we modulate back to Gb – I’m amazed I managed this actually –  and the A section is repeated again with a few minor changes.

The music then comes to a close with a short coda or tail which is built from various ideas.

Video Creation

All the fantastic pictures I have used in the video are royalty free from   
As I have said already, the key of the piece Db suggests dark blue so in my mind I already had an image of the ocean in  my mind.
To create the video,  I used iMovie and downloaded a whole lot of images to do with the ocean and blue.  Then, I  import them into iMovie along with the soundtrack. 
The next job is to sort the images into related groups using themes and colour:
I like to use colour as a mood: so you probably notice when it modulates to G minor in the middle section the – music and the blue gets darker.  Additionally, I will normally associate a particular image with a phrase in the music; so you will see some of the images repeat.

Next, I will probably start developing my sketches and notating the score – that is allot of work!

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