Piano Score for Prelude in G


I’ve finished score for my Prelude in G Major. The Prelude is an impressionistic and chilled Intermediate Piano piece reminiscent of Satie’s Gymnopedie.  To play it well, practice your arpeggios!

A sample of the first page can be seen below.  The complete piece can be purchased online from SMP Press .


How did this piece begin?

How did this piece begin you may ask? The main idea for this piece started as I played around with a few melodies based on a G Major Seven chord. ( G, B, D with a F#)

Part A – The exposition

The first 20 bars contain the first theme in a variety of forms.  At bar 21  the music  modulates (change key) from the tonic key  (G major) to the dominant and a similar theme in D major starts at bar 28.

Part  B – The Development

At bar 43 the music modulates to D minor and you hear a minor version of the theme with a blues feel to the harmony.

The theme modulates to the relative  F major version at bar 50. (The relative major of D minor).

We change key again at bar 58 arriving in C major or the sub-dominant version of the theme.

Part A –  The Recapitulation

The music modulates back to the tonic key of G major at bar 74 repeating the   whole of first G major section.

The piece ends  at  a short coda with a G blues scale and some jazzy sounding chords. In all, you can think of the piece as a theme and variations – simple really!

Below is a sample of the first page. You can purchase the complete piece at


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