What Makes Art Beautiful?


What makes art beautiful? Music and art have the power to evoke emotion, inspire creativity, and transport us to different worlds. But what makes music and art beautiful? Is it something that can be quantified or is it something that is subjective and open to interpretation?

Symmetry and Proportion?

One theory is that beauty in music and art is based on the principles of symmetry and proportion. For example, in classical music, composers such as Mozart and Haydn often used these principles in their compositions, creating a sense of balance and harmony that is pleasing to the ear. The classical style, in general, is characterised by its clear structure and mathematical precision.

Emotional Response?

Another theory is that beauty in music and art is based on the emotional response it evokes in the viewer or listener. As the artist Vincent Van Gogh once said, “I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.” A piece of music or art that connects with the viewer or listener on a personal level, making them feel a sense of joy, wonder, or nostalgia, can be seen as beautiful.

Cultural and Social Factors

It’s also worth considering that beauty in music and art can be influenced by cultural and societal factors. For example, what is considered beautiful in one culture may not be seen as such in another culture. Additionally, beauty in music and art can change over time as societal values and tastes evolve.

It’s Complex!

Ultimately, what makes music and art beautiful is a complex and multifaceted topic. It is influenced by the principles of symmetry and proportion, the emotional response it evokes, and cultural and societal factors. Beauty in music and art is also subjective, open to interpretation and it can vary from person to person.

Bright and Beautiful – Playlist By Paul Noble


In conclusion, beauty in music and art is not a fixed concept, it is a constantly evolving and subjective experience that is open to interpretation. 

It’s not something that can be quantified, but rather something that is felt and experienced by the viewer or listener. As Van Gogh suggests, the artist’s heart and passion also play a crucial role in creating beauty in art. 

And as demonstrated by classical composers such as Mozart and Haydn, principles of symmetry and proportion can also contribute to the beauty of music.


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