Joy to the World Christmas Carol


joy to the world christmas carol

Joy to the world is the only Christmas Carol I’ve written and recorded – so far! It’s not a traditional carol as its set in a modern style but its message is ancient and enduring! Please enjoy, comment and share with your friends!

Christmas Carol by Paul Noble © 2013

He stepped out of eternity,
Wrapped himself in humanity
His weary feet,
Trod the world he made
He disrobed himself, of majesty,
Bending low in humility
Taking the very nature of a servant
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Joy to the world, the king has come,
God’s gift of love, his only son
Joy to the world, peace on the earth,
The angels announce, the Saviours birth

Verse 2
He made the star that shone that night,
The word made flesh, awesome sight
A helpless babe, lying in a manger,
Unto us a king is born, unto us a son is given
The government, shall be upon his shoulder
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

© Paul Noble 2013


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